Cancer Equity Framework

Published Alicia Mew on Tue, 09/17/2024 - 12:04

Monday Lunch Live

Cancer Equity Framework Launch

9 September 2024

While pockets exist of excellent work addressing inequities, the whole health system, and the cancer sector specifically, require the resources and capability to respond to the needs of patients facing multiple and intersecting disadvantages. Join us for the launch of the VCCC Alliance Cancer Equity Framework. 

Working together to embed a culture of equity across the cancer sector

The Cancer Equity Framework has been conceptualised as a ‘call to action’ to bring VCCC Alliance leaders, educators, researchers and health practitioners together with consumers and community, to make health equity a shared vision and support collective efforts to drive the cultural changes and systemic reforms needed to ensure all patients have access to optimal care.


Professor Jennifer Philip
Chair of Palliative Care, University of Melbourne; Physician, Palliative Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and Royal Melbourne Hospital.


Associate Professor Kalinda Griffiths (FRSN)
VCCC Alliance Equity Advisory Group Chair, and Research and Education Lead, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

Director of Poche SA and NT, Flinders University, Visiting Scientia Fellow, Centre for Big Data Research UNSW, Honorary Fellow Menzies School of Health Research

Dr Beverley Woon
Equity Advisory Group member
Consultant Radiologist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne and Eastern Health

Abe Ropitini
Equity Advisory Group member
Executive Director of Population Health, Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)

Carolyn Rowan
Consumer representative

Course Details

Course type
60 mins
Curriculum Area
Consumer Involvement, Equity, and Inclusion
Research (incl. Clinical Trials)
Consumer / patient / carer
Early to mid career researcher
Senior researcher / scientist
Monday Lunch Live
Equity and inclusion

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