Consumer Engagement and Leadership Forum
A Shared Vision: Working Together.
Consumers, researchers and health professionals interested in engagement practice were invited to come together for an exciting Consumer Engagement and Leadership Forum.
This special event focused on the theme A Shared Vision: Working Together, looking at leadership and the role we play in integrating the expertise of lived experience.
This collaborative event featured the announcement of a new consumer-led research and leadership initiative with funding from the Victorian Government, led by the VCCC Alliance in partnership with the MPCCC, Regional Trials Network, Cancer Council Victoria and the University of Melbourne.
Ms Jo Cockwill
Deputy Chair, Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee, VCCC Alliance
Expand the accordion below to watch each section of the forum.
Note: The forum incorporated an engaging breakout session, providing all participants with the chance to actively contribute. Although the session was not recorded, you can refer to the table below for a summary of the session instructions.
Welcome, Acknowledgement and Overview
Ms Jo Cockwill Deputy
Chair, Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee, VCCC Alliance
What is consumer leadership?
Executive Support and Victorian Government Announcement
Executive support
Prof Grant McArthur AO
Executive Director, VCCC Alliance
Ministerial announcement
The Hon Tim Richardson MP
Parliamentary Secretary for Health Infrastructure, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Victorian Government.
Consumer-led Research: Are we there yet?
Ms Sophy Athan
Consumer Representative, VCCC Alliance
Consumer Leadership
During the forum, each table and online group were provided with Part A and Part B questions to collaboratively discuss
Part A
Leadership is behavioural, not positional. How are consumers seen as leaders who bring an expertise of a lived experience? This can be from an individual, project or organisational perspective?
Part B
Have you seen change as a result of consumer leadership? For example, ‘track changes’, changing research direction etc.
- How do you know consumer leadership has impacted change? What can you see? Hear?
- The practical implementations that now become everyone’s business.
- How can healthcare professionals, researchers, and organisations better support consumer leaders?
Consumer Leadership
Dr Joanne Britto PhD
Manager, Consumer Involvement VCCC Alliance
Panel Discussion
Enabling engagement
John Asgari, Consumer (MPCCC)
Cultural change
Natalie Maxwell-Davis, Consumer and Amanda Piper (CCV)
Creating networks
Kathleen Wilkins, Consumer and Donna Long (Regional Trials Network, Victoria)
Having an influence
Prof Tina Brock (Collaborative Practice Centre, University of Melbourne)
Defining consumer leadership
Sophy Athan, Consumer (VCCC Alliance)
State-wide Initiative and Concluding Remarks
Dr Joanne Britto PhD
Manager, Consumer Involvement VCCC Alliance
Course Details

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