Addressing the impact of COVID-19 on changed health-seeking behaviours and cancer screening

Published Di Zheng on Wed, 05/24/2023 - 18:28

Monday Lunch Livestream

22 May 2023

It is widely known that detecting cancer early increases the chances of successful treatment. However, there has been a significant shift in the health-seeking behaviour of Victorians in recent years, with people delaying seeing a GP and missing regular cancer screenings.

Join us as we unpack critical data on the impact of COVID-19 on cancer and behavioural insights that informed Cancer Council Victoria's latest campaign “Early Detection Saves Lives”. Presented by Cancer Council Victoria CEO, Todd Harper AM.

According to the Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR), cancer diagnoses decreased by 7% in 2020 and declined by a further 4.3% in 2021, resulting in an estimated 3,800 missed diagnoses.

Events over the past few years have changed health seeking behaviours and cancer screening participation in Victoria. Qualitative data demonstrates that Victorians need to be encouraged to return to primary care for regular health checks and cancer screening. Cancer Council Victoria’s new “Early Detection Saves Lives” campaign is addressing this need; encouraging those who have unexplained symptoms or who have not participated in screening when invited to do so to see a health professional.

This event featured Todd Harper AM, CEO of Cancer Council Victoria, the latest research from VCR and a presentation on campaign approach and results from Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO), as well as a panel discussion featuring special guests who can provide personal and professional insight.



Mr Todd Harper, AM
CEO, Cancer Council Victoria

Todd Harper AM has led Cancer Council Victoria as Chief Executive Officer since 2011, driving the organisation's important work in cancer research, prevention, support and advocacy. Todd has a bachelor’s degree in Economics, a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion, a Master’s Degree in Health Economics, and an Honorary Doctorate from Deakin University for ‘outstanding contributions and commitment to public health and for willingness to be innovative and brave in advocating for public health’. Todd was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in June 2022 for significant service to cancer support programs and to medical governance.


Associate Professor Luc te Marvelde
Head, Data Analytics
Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR)

Sabine Ostrowski
Manager, SEDI
Prevention Division
Cancer Council (CCV)

Clare O'Reilly
Executive Manager
Chronic Health Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health organisation (VACCHO)


Associate Professor Justin Tse
Director Medical Education, St Vincent's Clinical School
Melbourne Medical School

Clem Byard
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Research), Cancer Information and Support Services
Cancer Council Victoria (CCV)

Helen Page-Wood
Bowel Cancer Survivor


Course Details

Microscope lens
Course type
60 mins
Curriculum Area
Prevention, screening and diagnostics
Treatment (incl. Supportive Care)
Allied Health professional
Early to mid career researcher
Senior researcher / scientist
Monday Lunch Live
Clinical care
Treatment Types

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