VCCC Alliance Breast Cancer Education Series
Does local surgery have a role in patients with metastatic breast cancer?
15 November 2023
Patients with metastatic breast cancer can now live many years with excellent quality of life, thanks to new targeted therapies. However, the value of local therapy in this setting can be hard to determine, with little evidence that it contributes to survival. Join our expert panel as they review the data on long term survivors, look at the impact of surgery and radiotherapy, and discuss the patient perspective.
New targeted therapies for metastatic breast cancer can help patients live a great quality of life for many years. However, it is hard to determine the value of local therapy in this setting, with little evidence that it contributes to survival. At the same time, local disease progression can be very distressing. Optimising local control should be part of metastatic breast cancer management.
To provide valuable insights on the impact of surgery in metastatic breast cancer, and share the nuances that different phenotypes of breast cancer have on treatment options to assist clinicians in having better conversations with patients
Learning objectives:
In this webinar, our speakers and panellists will discuss:
the diagnosis of both de novo and metastatic breast cancer.
the current long-term outcomes for metastatic breast cancer with newer systemic therapies, and the role of radiotherapy in local control, with or without surgery.
The VCCC Alliance Breast Cancer Education Series is targeted at a clinical audience and features open discussion about real cases and patients. While these cases are de-identified, the imagery, content and discussion can be graphic. It is not appropriate for consumer participants.
Dr Caroline Baker
Breast Surgeon, Director of Breast Surgery, St Vincent’s Hospital; Designated Surgeon, St Vincent’s BreastScreen
Dr Caroline MacCallum
BreastSurgANZ PFT Program Fellow, Royal Melbourne Hospital and Royal Women’s Hospital
Prof Michael Ng
Radiation Oncologist, Genesiscare, Department of Medicine, the University of Melbourne
Medical Oncologist and Clinician Scientist, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute and Austin Hospital; Research & Education Lead Breast Cancer, VCCC Alliance
Dr Caroline Baker (Moderator)
Breast Surgeon, Director of Breast Surgery, St Vincent’s Hospital; Designated Surgeon St Vincent’s BreastScreen
Medical Oncologist and Clinician Scientist, Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute and Austin Hospital; Research & Education Lead Breast Cancer, VCCC Alliance
Prof Bruce Mann MBBS PhD
Prof of Surgery, the University of Melbourne; Director of Breast Tumour Stream, VCCC Alliance; Prof of Research, Breast Cancer Trials
Ms Andrea Cannon
Lead Breast Cancer Nurse, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne
A/Prof Lesley Stafford
Clinical Psychologist, the University of Melbourne
Dr Leah Marley
Breast and General Surgeon, St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne
Course Details

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