World Cancer Day 2022: Close the Care Gap

Published Beverly Brigham on Fri, 07/08/2022 - 18:21

Monday Lunch Livestream

With Prof Sanchia Aranda and Dr Kalinda Griffiths

7 February 2022

In 2022, the Union for International Cancer Control began a new three-year 'Close the Care Gap' campaign designed to raise awareness about the numerous barriers that exist for people around the world in accessing the cancer care they need.

Prof Sanchia Aranda, past president of the UICC and Deputy Chair VCCC Alliance and Dr Kalinda Griffiths, new VCCC Alliance Research and Education Lead for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health lead an important discussion.

Additionally, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) were pleased to launch the Menzies Desktop Review of the cancer care system.

This special Monday Lunch Live event shared the messages from World Cancer Day 2022 -  to clarify and amplify what we most need to hear, and invited researchers, health professionals, policymakers and consumers to help to close the care gap not just in Victoria but for populations worldwide.

On World Cancer Day 4 February 2022, the Union for International Cancer Control summoned all of us, whoever and wherever we are to play our part in creating a cancer-free world.  What will you learn about the gap in cancer care?

Course Details

Banner Purple Triangles
Course type
1 hr 30 mins
Curriculum Area
Treatment (incl. Supportive Care)
Consumer / patient / carer

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