Progress with personalised patient education

Published Joseph Green on Tue, 04/30/2024 - 14:56

Monday Lunch Live

15 April 2024

Consumer input is valuable to cancer research. In this webinar, Prof Peter Gibbs and Dr Grace Gard explore a case study featuring co-design in cancer research. It includes reflections and lessons learnt on working together as consumers and clinicians

Promoting meaningful consumer input into cancer research

Hear about the current role of consumers in cancer research from the clinician's perspective, including the breadth of involvement. This webinar discusses RECAP, a case study featuring a clinical co-design project and practical tips for incorporating consumer input into your research. Prof Peter Gibbs and Dr Grace Gard share their insights on how consumers and clinicians can work together, including reflections and lessons learnt.


Melissa Le Mesurier
Chair, VCCC Alliance Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee (CCAC)

A respected author, speaker and trainer, Melissa is passionate about consumer engagement, advocacy and advancing medical research. She has served as a board director, communications expert and consultant to several health organisations. Melissa sees a great need for medical professionals and organisations to improve communication with patients, and for patients to empower themselves with credible information and the right questions.



Professor Peter Gibbs
Joint Division Head, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI); Colorectal Oncologist, Western Health; VCCC Alliance Research & Education Lead, Gastro-intestinal Cancers

Prof Peter Gibbs is a leading researcher in medical oncology, with a particular interest in translational research. He has led several international clinical trials and participated in research collaborations within Australia and internationally, culminating in over 200 published articles. He provides leadership across the VCCC Alliance for gastro-intestinal cancers, leading efforts to establish clinical registries to capture data and understand patterns of patient care; develop networks between gastroenterologists, surgeons, oncologists, researchers and clinical trial specialists; and implement clinical education to standardise treatment and follow up protocols, aligned with best practice. 

Prof Gibbs is also the program champion for the VCCC Alliance Registry Trials Program, which combines conventional trial methodology with registry systems to produce real-world clinical evidence. The registry trial approach is an Australian-first that aims to accelerate patient recruitment, reduce trial cost and develop simple processes.

Jo Cockwill
Deputy Chair, VCCC Alliance Cancer Consumer Advisory Committee (CCAC)

Jo is an original member and deputy chair of the CCAC, as well as a current member of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) Consumer Research Program. She was also a member of the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre Consumer Advisory Committee for seven years, and the WEHI Consumer Advisory Panel for four years.

Jo’s working life includes many years as a senior teacher of mathematics and several years as a school counsellor. Shes has also worked as the Hunter Breast Cancer Education Officer for Breast Cancer Trials in Newcastle, where she also trained as a Genetic Counsellor with Hunter Genetics.

Jo is passionate about supporting cancer research and equitable cancer care, following her own lived experience with breast cancer, as both a carer and patient. She strongly believes that consumers can provide valuable input into decisions about cancer research, policies and practice, and can play an important role in improving cancer health outcomes for all.

Dr Grace Gard
Clinical Research Fellow, Gibbs Lab WEHI; Medical Oncologist, Western Health

Dr Gard is a medical oncologist at Western Health and Clinical Research Fellow at WEHI. Clinically she works across lung and genitourinary cancers. Her research interests include registries, utilising real world data for patient education initiatives and meaningful incorporation of consumers into cancer research.


Course Details

Course type
60 mins
Curriculum Area
Clinical Care
Consumer / patient / carer
Monday Lunch Live

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