Last update: 05/06/2023
mamogram breast screen

Risk based Breast Screening in Australia

Hear the latest updates about research and activities from various Australian experts, including from the Roadmap for Optimising Screening in Australia (ROSA) project, and learn about the UK perspective on risk-based breast cancer screening from our international guest, Professor Gareth Evans, from The University of Manchester. There is increasing interest in more risk-based, personalised approaches to population breast cancer screening in Australia. This is driven by a growing body of evidence on breast cancer risk assessment and risk-based management, new imaging technologies, and community awareness about breast cancer risk factors including breast density.

This forum provided updates about research and activities from various Australian experts, including updates from the Roadmap for Optimising Screening in Australia (ROSA) project. It will feature Professor Gareth Evans sharing the UK perspective on risk-based breast cancer screening.

About the ROSA project

The ROSA project – led by Cancer Council Australia and funded by the Australian Government - is actively exploring options for more risk-based approaches to early detection of breast cancer in asymptomatic women. This includes the BreastScreen Australia program, and ways health services can be personalised for clients with different levels or breast cancer risk. 


Professor Bruce Mann
VCCC Alliance Research & Education Lead, Breast Cancer, Director of the Breast Cancer Tumour Stream and Consultant Surgeon, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Associate Professor Carolyn Nickson
ROSA Project Lead and Stream Lead, Breast Cancer Policy and Evaluation, The Daffodil Centre

Keynote speaker 

Professor Gareth Evans
'The UK Experience', Professor of Medical Genetics and Cancer Epidemiology, The University of Manchester

Please note: some presentations are excluded as indicated by the presenters (due to them including work-in-progress not for wider distribution).




This event took place on the 22 February 2023 and was proudly hosted by the VCCC Alliance and The Daffodil Centre


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All content is general in nature and reflects the presenter’s experiences and expertise, and may not reflect developer’s views. All content is owned by the presenters of this event.  It is shared with you for your personal purposes, and is not to be otherwise shared, adapted or copied in any way. The presenters do not warrant that the content will satisfy required continuing professional development units, unless otherwise stated.