Fundamentals of Cancer Nursing
This online education resource is designed for novice cancer nurses and nurses caring for people affected by cancer in non-specialist cancer settings. It is made up of six evidence-based modules, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of cancer care, providing essential knowledge on each topic.
Aim: To build essential knowledge for practice among novice cancer nurses and nurses caring for people affected by cancer in non-specialist cancer settings.
Learning objectives:
Learners will develop fundamental knowledge of cancer, cancer treatment and patient care along the cancer care continuum.
Learners will develop knowledge to apply best-practice cancer care
Intended learning outcomes:
Identify common types of cancer and outline different methods of cancer diagnosis and staging.
Identify the main types of cancer treatment, describing how they work, and demonstrate awareness of appropriate safety precautions.
Identify common cancer symptoms and treatment side effects and recognize when to escalate care.
Recognise best practice communication skills to engage in sensitive conversations with patients and family members, and recognise when to escalate care.
Understand the importance of supportive care in cancer and know how to find supportive care resources.
Define and better understand palliative care.
Recognise when someone is nearing death and outline strategies to manage symptoms at end of life.
Partner Organisations
This resource was developed by Academic Nursing Unit at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victorian Cancer Covid-19 Network (VCCN) Oncology Expert Nursing Group and the VCCC Alliance.
Course Overview
Module 1: Cancer Essentials
Module 2: Cancer Treatments
Module 3: Managing Cancer Symptoms and Treatment Side-effects
Module 4: Communication Skills in Cancer Care
Module 5: Supportive Care in Cancer
Module 6: Palliative and End of Life Care for People with Cancer
Academic and Design Team
Project Lead
Prof. Mei Krishnasamy, Lead Investigator, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Project Officer
Ms. Jessica Balson - Research Project Officer, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Project Team
Ms. Sue Bartlett - Symptom & Urgent Review Nurse, Ballarat Integrated Cancer Centre
Ms. Vicki McLeod - Oncology Nurse Practitioner, Monash Health
Dr. Sharon de Graves - Program Manager, Nurse-Led Research, VCCC Alliance
Ms. Hayley Beer – Myeloma Clinical Nurse Consultant, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Mr. Trevor Saunders – Clinical Nurse Educator, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Ms. Margaret Hjorth – Group Director of Nursing, Icon Group
Education Development and Design
Erin Turner VCCC Alliance Education Team
This project was supported by the Victorian Nurses and Midwives Trust (VNMT). The views expressed in this resource do not represent those of the VNMT.
Copyright disclaimer
All content is general in nature and reflects the presenter’s experiences and expertise, and may not reflect developer’s views. All content is owned by the developer's. It is shared with you for your personal purposes, and is not to be otherwise shared, adapted or copied in any way. The developers do not warrant that the content will satisfy required continuing professional development units, unless otherwise stated.