Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Pathology

Published Beverly Brigham on Tue, 06/28/2022 - 20:00

VCCC Alliance Grand Round Breast Cancer

with Professor Gelareh Farshid

May 18 2022

The convergence of modern artificial intelligence with the emergence of digital pathology is yielding advances in medical image recognition. Research, diagnostic and commercial opportunities are being realised, including in breast pathology. These innovations will influence the practice of pathology in fundamental ways.

Learn how machine learning applications can offer improved patient care and more efficient laboratory systems - although many challenges remain along this path.

The VCCC Alliance Breast Cancer Grand Round is targeted at a clinical audience and features open discussion about real cases and patients. While these cases are de-identified, the imagery, content and discussion can be graphic. It is not appropriate for consumer participants.

Course Details

Course type
60 mins
Curriculum Area
Leadership and Non-Technical Skills
Early to mid career researcher
Senior researcher / scientist

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