Radiotherapy Advisor, Victorian Department of Health

Colin had over 35 years clinical experience as a Radiation Therapist at Peter Mac before moving from his Head of RT Planning Clinical Services role to become  Radiotherapy advisor to the Victorian Department of Health. He has held this position for the past 11 years. As part of this role, Colin has been involved in radiotherapy service planning for Victoria, including infrastructure provision, radiotherapy data collection, analysis and statewide radiotherapy services implementation.

Colin has contributed extensively to professional conference meetings as a speaker having delivered many presentations at national and international meetings. He has more than 25 publications in peer reviewed journals. He has also provided radiotherapy consulting services and dosimetry training in Australia and Asia. Colin is a fellow of the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, a member of the American Association of Medical dosimetrists and a reviewer for 3 peer-reviewed scientific journals. These activities are supported by his Master by research and post grad qualifications in teaching, business and music.