The Psychosocial Implications For Adolescents And Young Adults Living With An Inherited Cancer Syndrome
Monday Lunch Livestream
With Dr Laura Forrest, Senior Research Fellow and Lead Researcher at the Psychosocial Cancer Genetics Research Group at the Parkville Familial Cancer Centre.
23 August 2021
See Dr Laura Forrest's presentation on the psychosocial needs of adolescents and young adults (AYA) with inherited cancer syndromes.Adolescence and young adulthood are major developmental life stages characterised by identity exploration, formation of relationships, childbearing, and career development. AYAs with an inherited cancer syndrome have increased cancer risks compared to their peers, and require youth-friendly health services that support physical, cognitive, emotional, and social transition into adulthood.
In this presentation, Dr Forrest will review her studies on the psychosocial implications that a diagnosis of an inherited cancer syndrome has for AYAs, and will discuss the benefits of the Parkville Familial Cancer Centre program that specialises in age-appropriate care for this cohort.
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