Breast Cancer Grand Round with Dr Wanda Cui
Breast Cancer Prevention: An Overview
20 March 2024
One in eight Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Join Dr Wanda Cui as she discusses prevention as potentially the most cost-effective strategy for cancer control to reduce the social impact of breast cancer.
Breast cancer incidence has steadily increased in the past decades internationally. Now, one in eight Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Although survival has improved dramatically, breast cancer remains the number one cause of cancer disease burden around the world. Prevention potentially offers the most cost-effective strategy for cancer control, and would reduce the social impact of breast cancer.
Associate Professor Anita Skandarajah
Breast and Endocrine Surgeon, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Deputy Director of General Surgery at The Royal Melbourne Hospital
The VCCC Alliance Breast Cancer Grand Round is targeted at a clinical audience and features open discussion about real cases and patients. While these cases are de-identified, the imagery, content and discussion can be graphic. It is not appropriate for consumer participants.
Dr Wanda Cui MBBS BMedSci FRACP

Dr Cui's areas of interest are cancer and pregnancy, understanding and preventing the unwanted effects of cancer treatments on ovarian function and fertility, and cancer prevention. Her research focuses on oncofertility and cancer prevention. She is the first author of the ASCO research statement regarding assessing ovarian toxicity in cancer clinical trials. She is a member of the prevention working group of the Lancet Breast Cancer Commission and is the Breast Cancer Trials Australia deputy chair for the Decrescendo trial.
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