Regional Haematology Program: Lymphoma
In this comprehensive overview, Tracy Dryden, a lymphoma nurse consultant from the Peter McCallum Cancer Center, delivers an extensive overview of lymphoma, encompassing its biology, classification, subtypes, clinical presentation, treatment approaches, and prognosis, emphasising its complexity and heterogeneity.
This resource is part of a suite of four videos created to support health professionals involved in the care of haematology patients. The four topics include hematological diseases: Lymphoma, Myeloma and Haematology Clinical Trials.
Aim: This resource aims to provide an introductory overview of the haematological disease Lymphoma
The topics covered in this video include:
Lymphatic System
The 2 Types of Lymphocytes (B Cells & T Cells)
Types of Lymphoma
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Presenting with lymphoma
Hematological Diseases: Lymphoma
Select play to watch the video
Copyright notice: All content is general in nature and reflects the presenter’s experiences and expertise, and may not reflect VCCC Alliance’s views. All content is owned by the VCCC Alliance. It is shared with you for your personal purposes, and is not to be otherwise shared, adapted or copied in any way. VCCC Alliance does not warrant that the content will satisfy required continuing professional development units, unless otherwise stated.
Tracey Dryden

Tracey Dryden is one of the lymphome nurse consultants at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne.
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Haematology Online Learning Modules
Elevate Your Haematology Training with the VCCC Alliance
Experience the future of haematology training with our cutting-edge suite of five online resources.
Developed by the VCCC Alliance, this suite of five online dynamic modules is designed to empower you both now and in the future in the haematology training program. Immerse yourself in real-life case studies, featuring expert presenters and engaged registrars, as they dissect and discuss captivating scenarios.
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