Advancing breast cancer research with bioinformatics: From single-cell to spatial-omics

Published Alicia Mew on Fri, 08/09/2024 - 14:15

Advancing breast cancer research with bioinformatics: From single-cell to spatial-omics

Breast Cancer Grand Round with Dr Yunshun Chen

10 July 2024

Join Dr Yunshun Chen as he discusses bioinformatic strategies and methods developed to analyse breast cancer data, highlighting discoveries made using single-cell and spatial-omics data. In the last decade, investigations into human breast cancer tumour heterogeneity and the tumour microenvironment have heavily relied on advanced technologies, including next-generation sequencing platforms and single-cell techniques.

Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women. Over the last decade, research has made substantial progress in understanding the complexity of breast cancer, particularly focusing on tumor heterogeneity and the tumor microenvironment.

Advanced technologies have played a crucial role in these advancements. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms have revolutionised genomic research by allowing high-throughput sequencing, providing detailed insights into genetic mutations, variations, and overall cancer genomics.

The latest advancements in single-cell technologies have enabled researchers to examine gene expression profiles at the individual cell level, revealing the diverse cellular landscape within a tumor. However, the emergence of spatial technologies introduces an additional dimension of spatial information, providing enhanced insights into the cellular diversity of human breast cancer within a spatial context.


Prof Jane Visvader
Joint Head of the Breast Cancer Laboratory and the Division of Cancer Biology and Stem Cells, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI)

Content warning: The VCCC Alliance Breast Cancer Grand Round is targeted at a clinical audience and features open discussion about real cases and patients. While these cases are de-identified, the imagery, content and discussion can be graphic. It is not appropriate for consumer participants.

Dr Yunshun Chen

Yunshun Chen
Statistical Bioinformatician and Laboratory Head, Cancer Biology and Stem Cells Division, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute and The Royal Women’s Hospital

Dr Chen's main research interests are gene expression, alternative splicing, single-cell and spatial-omics analysis, as well as the application of these cutting-edge technologies in cancer research. His laboratory has extensive experience and strong expertise in differential gene/transcript expression and pathways analysis in bulk and single-cell RNA-seq experiments. Over the last decade, Dr Chen and his group has been working closely with cancer researchers, especially the Breast Cancer Lab at WEHI, focusing on cancer genesis and the identification of cancer cell-of-origin.

Course Details

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Course type
60 mins
Curriculum Area
Clinical Care

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