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Displaying 10 of 358 results.
Hypothesis-free discovery of cancer predictors using machine learning
Webinars |60 mins|0
Monday Lunch Live, Biostatistics, Gynae-oncology
Supervised exercise improves fatigue, health-related quality of life, and other clinically relevant outcomes in patients
Webinars |60 mins|0
The Evolution of a Genetic Haematology Service
Webinars |60 mins|0
Monday Lunch Live, Haematology, Clinical care
Leading self and others when unexpected things come along
Webinars |60 mins|0
Registry-based Clinical Trials (Reg-CTs)
Microlearning |10 mins|0
Integrative approaches to identifying new causes of familial breast cancer
Webinars |60 mins|0
Breast, Genomics